what is the marketing term for something which is given up to obtain a product?

We've compiled a list of marketing terms we feel any marketer should know as we motility into 2021. You may already be familiar with some, or fifty-fifty almost, of these terms since many of them are not new. That doesn't hateful they are whatsoever less relevant, nonetheless.

Hither are the marketing terms yous should know moving forrard:

67 Marketing Terms You Should Know in 2021

To assist y'all comb through these terms, we've split them into the following categories:

Large Picture Marketing Terms


Tech and Operations

The Funnel

Customer Marketing

Production Marketing and Product-Led Growth

Spider web Strategy and SEO

Big Pic Marketing Terms

1. Digital marketing

Digital marketing is any form of communication aiming to persuade people to buy a production or service that occurs through some form of digital device.

At New Breed, we classify marketing efforts as "digital marketing" when they occur through an internet-connected tool.

2. Brand positioning

Brand positioning is the way you differentiate yourself from your competitors and how consumers identify and connect with your brand. It'due south comprised of the key qualities and values that are synonymous with your company.

Brand positioning tin be conveyed through a variety of means including tone and vocalism, visual design and the manner your company represents itself in person and on social media.

3. Make awareness

Brand sensation is the extent to which people are able to recall and recognize your brand. It has two components: brand recall, which is a measure of how well a make name is connected to a product course (e.g. Do customers know that Toyota is connected with the product course of cars?), and brand recognition, which is when a consumer recognizes a make past its attributes (i.due east. a company's logo or brand colors).

Brand awareness encompasses more its component parts, however. Brand awareness constitutes a scenario when customers tin can run into your brand or production and know that you provide the best solution to their problem.

4. Demand generation

Demand generation encompasses — yous guessed it! — generating demand for your product or service. More than formally, information technology is the data-driven focus of marketing programs to produce sensation and involvement in a company'due south offerings through the use of technology.

5. Revenue performance management

Revenue performance management ensures the functions of acquisition, retention and expansion are aligned in order to maximize profitability.

Office of the goal of revenue performance direction is to break downwardly organizational silos and establish a shared set of data, a shared process and a shared language that enables teams across the visitor to work toward the common goal of generating revenue.

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6. Inbound marketing

Inbound marketing is a customer-centric approach that focuses on drawing high-fit customers in every bit opposed to blasting your message to anyone and everyone.

Through tactics like blogging, social media and SEO, entering marketing attracts customers to your company using helpful, relevant content. Inbound tactics volition continue to assistance your company grow after you've finished investing in them (dissimilar outbound tactics like paid ads or call lists), providing scalable long-term ROI.

7. Lead nurturing

Lead nurturing is the process of educating and building trust with your prospects in social club to guide them through the buyer's journey. The ultimate goal of lead nurturing is to provide your prospects with a unique experience that keeps them coming back for more than — and eventually converts them into customers.

8. Flywheel

Introduced in 2018, the flywheel represents a shift in how marketers think about B2B marketing success. The flywheel places customers at the center of a business and highlights the opportunity for echo concern through relationship building and customer service engagement. It represents how you keeping your customers coming back leads to the success of your company.

9. Buyer persona

Buyer personas are semi-fictional representations of your ideal customers.

Buyer personas should include demographic, psychographic and behavioral data, and they tend to go more than in-depth about the role and influence these people have within their companies, emphasizing their goals and motivations.

ten. Ideal client profile (ICP)

An ideal customer profile is a hypothetical description of the type of company that would reap the most benefit from your product or solution. These companies tend to take the quickest, most successful sales cycle, the greatest customer retention rates and the highest number of evangelists for your brand.

11. Sales enablement

Sales enablement is a combination of coaching, tools and content to help your sales team be more than efficient and effective. Your sales team needs to exist properly enabled to carry out a successful sales strategy.

By providing key elements of sales enablement, you allow your team to work better within an inbound sales process so that they tin can provide contextually relevant information, carry out helpful conversations and see — in real-time — which of their efforts are working.

12. Account-based marketing (ABM)

Account-based marketing (ABM) is an approach to marketing that flips traditional marketing on its caput. Rather than developing buyer personas so casting a wide internet to attract those personas to your brand, ABM focuses on finding ways to appoint with people from targeted accounts based on your platonic client profile (ICP).

ABM is all about sending tailored letters to targeted accounts. Marketing will fuel the strategies backside a successful ABM arroyo, and sales will provide insight regarding the touch on of the interactions marketing is having with the targeted accounts.

thirteen. Contextual marketing

Contextual marketing is a strategy that'south guided by the behaviors and weather condition surrounding your marketing efforts so all content is relevant to the person receiving it.

To deliver contextually relevant information, yous need to sympathize the psychographics of your buyer personas to know how to speak to them and what content will resonate with them.

14. Discussion-of-mouth marketing (WOM)

Discussion-of-mouth marketing (WOM) is the oral or written advocacy of a adept or service from a satisfied client (or evangelist) to a prospective customer. It's widely considered to be the most constructive course of promotion.

15. Conversational marketing

According to Drift, who coined the term "conversational marketing," it is "the fastest way to movement buyers through your marketing and sales funnels through the power of real-time conversations. It builds relationships and creates authentic experiences with customers and buyers."

Chatbots are the nearly common channel through which conversational marketing occurs, only yous can also leverage social media platforms that allow real-time engagements.


16. Churn rate

Churn rate is a measurement used to summate customer retention and is significant for recurring revenue companies. It helps companies identify how many customers they lose in a given time catamenia.

To calculate churn rate, you divide the number of customers lost during a time period by the number of customers you lot had at the get-go of the time menses.

17. Customer acquisition cost (CAC)

Client conquering cost is exactly what it sounds like — the price associated with turning a lead into a client. CAC is typically expressed equally the ratio:

Customer Acquisition Cost-Formula

18. Cost per lead (CPL)

Cost per lead refers to the amount spent on acquiring a atomic number 82. This cost is factored heavily into CAC. The most mutual utilise instance for toll per pb tin can be found in paid advertizement where there is a direct correlation between the amount of money you are spending in something like Google Ads, and the number of leads you lot are generating from that spend.

19. Fundamental performance indicator (KPI)

Primal Performance Indicators are used to rails progress towards marketing goals. By setting the right KPIs for your business organization, yous can continuously evaluate performance and make adjustments to optimize your marketing strategy.

Leading performance indicators (LPIs) and tactical performance indicators (TPIs) can help yous understand which specific efforts are propelling you lot toward your goals.

xx. Customer lifetime value (CLV)

The Customer lifetime value is the predicted net profit associated with the time to come relationship with that client.

To calculate CLV:


21. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

The Net Promoter Score measures how probable someone would exist to recommend your visitor to others on a ane–10 scale. Using this customer satisfaction metric, you can hands identify how loyal your customers are and divide them into 3 categories: promoters (9+), passives (7–8), and detractors (0–6).

Checking your NPS regularly allows yous to place ways to ameliorate your product or service. NPS and "Net Promoter Score" are registered trademarks of Bain & Visitor, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld.

22. Growth marketing

Growth Marketing is the process of designing and conducting experiments to optimize and improve the results of a target area. If you accept a sure metric you want to increase, growth marketing is a method you lot can utilize to achieve that.

Growth marketing tin be applied across your business to areas referenced within the acronym AAARRR (sometimes referred to as pirate metrics) which stands for Awareness, Acquisition, Activation, Revenue, Retention and Referral. Past improving these categories of metrics, y'all can grow over time.

Tech and Operations

23. Tech stack (software stack)

A tech stack, also called a software stack, is the set of applied science and software an system uses to run their concern. For most businesses, that probably involves having a CMS, CRM software, sales acceleration tool, marketing automation platform and projection direction program.

It likewise includes any integrations and servers you lot need to operate the platforms in tandem.

24. CRM

CRM (customer human relationship direction) software is more than a contact database; information technology'due south a sales acceleration tool that identifies business organization insights and analytics. It's a comprehensive and easily accessible platform that houses the sales process.

The main feature associated with CRM software is its ability to hold contact information, such as names, phone numbers, emails and other records related to a given contact. It tin can associate individual contacts with their companies and so salespeople can track their interactions with every stakeholder.

Popular examples include HubSpot, Salesforce and Zoho.

25. CMS

A CMS (content management arrangement) is a software that allows marketers to create, design, host, edit, manage and rails the operation of all of their website content.

Popular examples include HubSpot, WordPress and Squarespace.

26. Marketing automation

In a nutshell, marketing automation refers to software that is designed to automate your marketing tasks. It'southward centered around nurturing leads through the buying process by leveraging targeted content that addresses your prospect's needs when they desire it. Basically, you're sending them information based on their behavior which is much more powerful than merely blasting out emails to everyone.

Overall, marketing automation software allows marketers to streamline various tasks, boost their overall efficiency, draw primal insights and drive ROI.

27. Marketing operations

Marketing operations is everything that happens in your marketing automation and CRM platforms to enable the delivery of the right bulletin at the right time to people who are interested in your products and services.

Marketing operations lives behind the scenes. For instance, while marketing operations specialists aren't sending emails, they're making sure they're sent to the right person.

28. Sales operations

Sales operations is everything that happens in your CRM and sales acceleration platforms to enable your sales team to communicate finer with clients and control their sales procedure.

Like marketing operations, it lives behind the scenes, supporting your sales team'southward execution of strategy and objectives.

29. Services operations

Service operations includes management of all the workflows, tools and processes required to maintain and amend the overall client experience.

It includes implementation, management and adoption of CRMs, ticket direction, automatic campaigns, production usage, cognition base of operations content and customer feedback.

xxx. Acquirement operations

Acquirement operations is the alignment of marketing, sales and service to drive accountability and increase efficiency beyond your concern. The goal of revenue operations is to provide more anticipated outcomes and accelerate your company's growth by organizing people, data and processes to assist your business run more than effectively.

The Funnel

31. Summit of the funnel (ToFu)

Even though the flywheel has arrived, the funnel notwithstanding represents how y'all turn prospects into customers. The height of the funnel refers to the first stages of the buying procedure. During this stage, buyers are condign aware that they have an issue and are looking for more than information. Whether it'south subscribing to a blog or watching a video, you lot want to have helpful content that prompts visitors to take the desired side by side steps.

32. Middle of the funnel (MoFu)

The center of the funnel represents the heart stage of the ownership process. Buyers have identified that they have a problem and are continuing to practise more research; however, at present they are looking at content, such as a instance report, that brings your business in as a solution to the trouble they are trying to solve.

This is also where responsibleness for leads is typically transferred from marketing to sales.

33. Bottom of the funnel (BoFu)

The bottom of the funnel represents the last phase of the buying process. This is when the buyer has identified a problem, researched possible solutions and is getting fix to purchase. At this stage, buyers are typically requesting either a costless demo or consultation & kickoff a conversation with a sales rep.

34. Marketing qualified atomic number 82 (MQL)

A marketing qualified pb (MQL) is the third of half-dozen lifecycle stages in the heir-apparent's journeying. MQLs indicate the number of visitors you've converted who are good fits for your system.

When a company confirms a pb is a practiced fit, that lead becomes an MQL. Once a lead becomes an MQL, the visitor works to farther qualify the contact and nurture them down the funnel.

35. Sales qualified pb (SQL)

A sales qualified lead (SQL) is the fourth of half dozen lifecycle stages (occurring right after the MQL stage) in the buyer'south journey. An MQL is characterized as an SQL when sales agrees with marketing that the contact has demonstrated enough involvement and is a good enough fit to initiate a sales chat.

The SQL stage also happens to be both one of the most important and most hard stages for a company to define because it'due south where the marketing-to-sales handoff occurs.

36. Chat qualified lead (CQL)

Conversational marketing and chatbots are becoming increasingly important in today's marketing landscape. A Conversation Qualified Lead is someone who has expressed interest in buying via a chat with an employee or a bot. These leads are coming to you with specific questions that they want answers to in real-time.

37. Buyer's journey

The buyer'southward journey is the progression that a contact follows when researching and purchasing a production. Information technology starts with the awareness phase, when buyers realize they have a problem, moves to the consideration stage, when they evaluate different solutions to that problem, and concludes with the conclusion phase, when they determine which contender best aligns with their needs and objectives and purchase it.

The buyer'due south journey differs from the customer journey considering not every prospective buyer becomes a customer. Individuals might go through some of the buyer's journey stages without ever making a purchase.

38. Multi-affect acquirement attribution

Multi-bear on acquirement attribution is the process of organizing, collecting and cataloguing all of the interactions that occur as an individual decides to make a purchase with your company. It helps businesses understand how their marketing is contributing to the company's bottom line, giving marketers the credit they deserve for their efforts.

Customer Marketing

39. Customer marketing

Customer marketing is a fix of strategies and tactics aimed at your customer base in club to improve their experience with your brand and increase the value they gain from their engagement with y'all. Through customer marketing, yous can boost retention, evangelize your customer base and nurture existing customers toward future sales.

40. Customer conquering

Customer acquisition refers to all of the steps, processes and resources involved in alluring a commencement-time client to your business.

Make sensation, lead generation, product marketing, nurturing and sales strategies all fall nether the umbrella of client conquering — but the concept of customer conquering stops as soon as your prospects officially close as a client.

41. Customer retentivity

Customer retentiveness is the act of renewing your existing customers so they continue to piece of work with your company. It'south the inverse of churn.

The get-go step of memory is acquiring skilful-fit customers in the first place, just there are other components like client support, customer success and client experience that contribute to a client's likelihood to renew.

42. Customer expansion

Customer expansion is the human action of increasing the MRR you encounter from existing customers. This is typically accomplished through upsells and cross-sells.

43. Customer success

Customer success is partnering with your customers to assistance them meet and exceed their goals. It's a proactive function that aims to help maximize the value customers gain from working with your visitor so they're more likely to renew and expand.

44. Client back up

Customer back up is solving the issues your customers have when things go incorrect. This is a reactive part that uses tools like a ticketing arrangement or self-service knowledge base.

45. Customer service

Customer service is assisting your customers with the offering they bought from yous and ensuring it'southward meeting their needs. Client service can be thought of equally a proactive version of customer support. It'due south outreach meant to provide customers with value earlier your customers need to get looking for it.

46. Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is the direction of client sentiment. When tracking this, you should look at not simply how your chief point of contact feels about your product or service but also how that sentiment trickles down to the rest of their company.

Satisfaction is the baseline of a happy customer. Not every client will necessarily become an evangelist who recommends your company to their entire network, but you should be able to satisfy every customer your company takes on.

47. The customer journey

The client journey is a way of tracking a customer's experience with your visitor from a visitor's first interaction through when they sign a deal. It's a framework for a greater philosophy of client nurturing.

The customer journey is not one-size-fits-all. What the overarching framework will look like depends on numerous factors, including your industry, sales cycle and production or service.

"Past providing the correct partitioning, by triggering the right actions in an approach to proactively progress your relationships, information technology allows you lot to be responsive to your client," says New Brood's Customer Success Managing director, Dylan Berno.

Product Marketing and Product-Led Growth

48. Product marketing

Product marketing is the process of bringing a specific product to market and ensuring that that product is successful.

As a product marketer, your job entails guiding a product'southward internal strategy. Information technology is your duty to enable all of the marketing activities surrounding the product within your organization.

49. Become-to-marketplace (GTM) strategy

A go-to-marketplace (GTM) strategy is a plan specifying how you volition present your product's unique value proposition so you can reach your customers and achieve a competitive reward. The purpose of a GTM strategy is to provide a roadmap for launching a product in a mode that will achieve product-marketplace fit — the end goal of your launch.

50. Product-market fit

When your production fulfills a marketplace's needs, you achieve product-marketplace fit. Product-market fit occurs at the intersection of the introduction and growth stages of the product lifecycle.

In order to obtain production-marketplace fit, y'all outset need to create a minimum viable production (MVP).

51. Minimum viable product (MVP)

A minimum viable product (MVP) is an offering that has enough features to initially satisfy your target market.

Producing an MVP is the end goal of the product development stage (which precedes the introduction stage) of the product lifecycle. Your GTM strategy is essentially a blueprint outlining how you lot volition introduce your MVP.

52. Total addressable market (TAM)

Total addressable marketplace (TAM) is the amount of potential revenue your company could earn if anybody with a demand for your product or service really bought it.

For most companies, the amount of achievable acquirement is nowhere near TAM, just understanding your total market tin help inform how to define the target market place you'll focus your marketing and sales strategy toward.

53. Production-led growth (PLG)

Product-Led Growth is a strategy coined by OpenView Venture Partners that relies on product features and usage equally the principal drivers of customer acquisition and retention. It leverages a gratis product for initial usage and begins enforcing paywalls simply later on value has been delivered to users.

54. Product qualified lead (PQL)

A Product Qualified Lead is someone who has tried your product and indicated buy interest through their usage. These leads tend to close at a college rate since they have already interacted with your production.

Spider web Strategy and SEO

55. Lead generation website

A lead generation website's principal objective is to educate your visitors on your product or service and the manufacture you operate within. On meridian of that, it should give visitors the opportunity to provide qualitative data to your sales team, helping your organization capture qualified leads for your product or service.

56. Conversion rate

Only put, conversion rate is the ratio between the number of people that consummate the desired action on a given webpage and the number of people that visit that webpage. That desired action could include filling out a form on a landing page or clicking a CTA on a web log post.

57. Conversion rate optimization (CRO)

Based on the principles of the scientific method, conversion rate optimization (CRO) focuses on systematically increasing the percent of website visitors who take a desired action on a given folio. For example, they might convert on your site by filling out a form or providing data to a chatbot.

By identifying key metrics, y'all can better sympathize how customers interact with your site and the actions they take. These metrics help to exam and decide what strategies work best for generating leads and closing customers.

58. Wireframes

Wireframes are blueprints for your website. They provide the framework upon which the functionality and design of your final website will be built. The focus of wireframes is not on the look and experience of your website, but rather the construction and layout of content that will prompt the intended actions of your ideal user.

At that place are many dissimilar forms a wireframe can take, and their level of fidelity is characterized by the level of depth into functionality and content. Depression-allegiance wireframes can be as little equally sketches on paper and generally utilize all placeholder text. High-fidelity wireframes often comprise some clickable elements to demonstrate user period and oftentimes featured draft or fifty-fifty finalized copy.

59. Spider web Content Outlines

A spider web content outline is the raw copy version of a website folio. It reflects the structure the finalized folio will take, just it isn't designed at all.

In addition to all titles and torso copy, web content outlines too include technical information like SEO metadata, page title and where the page exists within the site architecture.

60. Data Architecture

Information architecture is the system and structuring of content prior to developing a website. It defines how your content is connected and categorized.

Information architecture encompasses the planning of a site's principal navigation, auditing all existing URLs, determining what to keep, consolidate and delete and so establishing URL structures. When complete, it enables users to find the content they're looking for quickly and efficiently.

61. Landing page

A landing page is a webpage optimized for pb generation. Using a grade, companies are able to leverage meaningful content in exchange for visitor information. Successful landing pages have well-defined content and articulate conversion paths.

62. Thank you page

After submitting information on a landing page, customers are immediately redirected to a thank you lot folio that thanks them for their submission and provides them with potential next steps. Thank you pages are important in your lead nurturing strategy because they deliver the offers individuals are seeking and they can position other relevant content every bit a next logical step.

63. A/B split testing

An A/B split examination is an experiment that compares two variables by presenting those variables to a randomly "separate" audition over a specific menstruation of fourth dimension. As long as the experiment is controlled and unbiased, A/B split testing is a peachy fashion to understand which marketing tactics reap the best results for your business.

64. Responsive design

Responsive pattern refers to the way a website automatically adjusts to the screen size y'all're viewing it from. This will ensure that no matter what device your visitor is using, whether information technology'southward their estimator, their phone or their tablet, your website will always look great.

65. Search engine optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of positioning your content and website then it can rank well on and draw traffic from search engine results pages (SERPs).

SEO includes both on-page SEO, where you attempt to make alterations to your web code and content to meliorate its ranking, and off-page SEO, where you try to attain out to individuals exterior of your company to acquire backlinks and traffic from other sources.

66. Paid search

Paid search is the practice of displaying ads on search engines based on the terms, or keywords, individuals search for. Paid search works on a pay-per-click basis, significant you only pay when someone clicks your advertizing for a given keyword.

67. Keyword research

Keyword inquiry is the procedure of identifying the search terms that your prospective site visitors are looking for online. Information technology is critical to ensuring your content can exist found on search engine results pages.

Such research isn't the but element that impacts your digital visibility, just if you're trying to drive traffic to your website, you should actively investigate which keywords piece of work best.

Fundamental Takeaway

Marketing is total of jargon. Agreement these 67 key terms will not only assist you wade through that, information technology'll also aid yous optimize your marketing efforts.

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This post was originally published January 2, 2020.


Source: https://www.newbreedrevenue.com/blog/marketing-terms

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