Merely started playing Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery but aren't sure House Points and House Cup work? Bank check out our consummate guide to gaining the well-nigh house points possible, here.

If y'all've spent whatsoever amount of time role player Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, you'll shortly acquire that winning the about house points plays an of import role in your take a chance. Figuring out what causes yous to proceeds and lose firm points and rise to the elevation of the leaderboard tin be a bit tricky. In this guide, we're taking a deep wait at Hogwarts Mystery firm points. Nosotros'll discuss how business firm points are earned and lost and best ways to make the near of your classes lessons and other story elements to proceeds more Feel increase your Attribute levels and get more House Points for your crew. This guide is intended for those who have fabricated it past the get-go ii capacity, but nosotros have tips for earlier chapter tasks like choosing a business firm and wand or customizing your character here. You tin as well check out our list of the all-time means to become more energy in the game without spending existent coin, here.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery House Cup and Points Guide: How To Get The Most Out Of Classes and Lessons

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Here'southward everything y'all need to know almost firm points and winning the Business firm Cup. Jam Urban center

The race for House Points begins soon after you've joined a house. Once you've been sorted, the presiding Witches and Wizards will tell you lot virtually the House Cup. The Firm Cup is a prize you'll be working towards throughout your starting time yr at Hogwarts. During the year different actions you do tin have an consequence on your Business firm Points, either causing your house to gain or lose them. You can keep track of your house'due south progress towards the firm loving cup by Tapping on your avatar and tapping on the Rank button.

House Points: How Do You lot Earn or Lose Them?

Since the large year-long goal is winning the Business firm Cup, it's important to know what activities earn or lose points for your house. Hither are means you lot can earn firm points in the game. We'll talk over all of these items in more item in the residual of this guide.

To Gain Points:

  • Do well in Classes and on your Lessons
  • Complete Main Quests
  • Make sure Dialogue Choices

To Lose Points:

  • Fail a class/not finish with the minimum number of stars
  • Make wrong dialogue choices

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Main Chapters Guide: On Choices, Story Quests Lessons and Classes

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Business firm Points are crucial to winning the House Cup. Here's the best fashion to earn them and avoid losing them as well. Jam City

One time you've completed the beginning two chapters you're ready to get into the deep of the game. For the rest of your adventure, you'll exist completing chapters in your school twelvemonth story that will all work in a similar fashion. There are two main components of every chapter: Story Parts and Lessons. Story Parts make upwards the large portion of the Affiliate and must exist completed before you can complete the Lessons. Permit's take a await at what Story Parts entail and how to be most successful with them.

Story Parts

For the story component of a Chapter, you'll be given a certain number of story parts or quests to complete. Each of these Story parts are made upwardly of a number of activities you'll complete. There are four main activity types that occur during the story portion of the Chapter: Choices, Story Quests, Classes, Lessons and sometimes Character Encounters (Side Missions). Here's how each of those work.


During some story parts, situations will arise where you'll need to reply. Yous'll be given options for how to respond and depending on which ane y'all choose, you'll proceeds different character attributes. Attributes are an important component of your growth at Hogwarts equally some activities or decision choices require a sure attribute level to unlock them. The 3 attributes y'all'll exist working with are: Courage, Empathy, and Knowledge. We'll be discussing Attributes quite a flake more in various parts of this guide and our Duels guide as well, but for at present, just know that every fourth dimension you make a determination, yous'll be gaining aspect points based on that decision. The higher the levels of a specific attribute, the more than answer options you'll unlock and the amend you lot'll perform at certain activities or side quests.

  • A Tip For Increasing Attributes With Choices - When you are confronted with a story conclusion, you'll usually be able to recognize which choices would autumn in line with which aspect based on the color around the edge of the respond choice (light-green = backbone, imperial = empathy, blue = knowledge). If you are trying to increase the level of a specific aspect, information technology'due south a practiced thought to go with the decision most in line with that attribute.
  • House and Choice Bonuses: In some cases dialogue choices you lot make tin can actually earn you house points. Each business firm has a specific set of characteristics they are known for, and when you make choices that lucifer the values of your house, y'all'll sometimes be awarded house points for it. Here are the values for each house:
    • Gryffindor - Brave and Daring
    • Slytherin - Aggressive and Cunning
    • Hufflepuff - Dedicated and Loyal
    • Ravenclaw - Intelligent and Witty.

Story Quests

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Many of your Chapters will begin with a story quest given to you by your Prefect Jam City

Near Capacity will have some kind of story quest for you to complete, many of them coming from your Prefect, who'll you'll report to at the offset of each chapter. He may have you practise a new skill (ex: dueling), complete a small task (ex: change your clothes), or go along a specific mission (ex: get slugs for Snape). If y'all receive a long story quest requiring you lot to use energy, there volition usually be a reward of coins and Experience fastened besides.

  • Feel and Leveling Upward - In Hogwarts Mystery gaining Experience is required to level up. Each time you level upwardly you'll earn diamonds equal to the level you reached and unlock new features like additional customization options. You'll also become your free energy filled back upwardly to the max.

Story Quests Requiring Energy - An important thing to know most story quests that require energy is that you must complete them before you can go anywhere else. Unlike Classes, which you can leave and return to later, yous are stuck in a Story Quest until it is completed. Additionally, you have to accomplish a certain number of stars before the time runs out to consummate a story quest then information technology's a good idea not to showtime one until you are at full energy. Even with total energy, it may take you lot ii cycles to cease it. Equally energy regenerates at 1 per iv minutes, a total bar will take you well-nigh an hour and a one-half to regenerate so plan appropriately. You lot tin as well check out our tips for finding complimentary bonus energy and using your energy wisely in the game, here.

Side Quest Decisions - In some cases the decision you make will be related to a non-playable graphic symbol side quest. In these quests, you'll need to make the best answer option you tin in order to cease it within the allotted number of turns. Paying attending to things the character has said in the past and what you lot know about his or her personality can be a big assistance with this. For case, your sidekick Rowan is an academic who loves reading and is an expert on different kinds of wood. These details can help you a lot in making good decisions when you accept a side quest with him. If you need a crook sheet of answers for graphic symbol side quests, you can check ours out, here.


harry, potter, Hogwarts, mystery, house, points, guide, tips, tricks, house, cup, how, to get, lose, win, leaderboard, classes, lessons, attributes
Some Classes earn you Business firm Points after you comlete them. Jam Urban center

Beyond these, most story parts besides include attention classes. Classes are important because, non merely are they a way to earn House Points, Attribute Signal and resources, they also are required to unlock new skills lessons. Virtually lessons require you to obtain a certain amount of stars in order to unlock them. You gain stars past attending related classes.

Classes always require some amount of free energy use only are cleaved up in several parts -- some of which require no free energy at all. The good thing about classes is that yous can actually go out and explore the grounds and come dorsum to it later on. Some classes are a ready amount of fourth dimension, but other will give you the option to choose a 1, 3 or 8-hour event. Before you make up one's mind how long of a class to attend, look at the number of stars yous need to unlock your next lesson. To unlock the Mount Broom lessons, for instance, y'all demand to get at least 3 stars in Flying Form. I usually prefer to do the shorter one hour classes because I tin can normally complete it with a total energy bar and won't get penalized if I can't make it back to the game earlier the time runs out. However, if yous don't mind coming back to the game several times, you can opt for a iii or viii-hour class. As long equally you gather a total of 3 stars you will unlock the Mount Broom lesson. These stars don't accept to be earned in one class. You lot'll just keep completing classes until three stars take been collected. We are still working out which length of lesson is most profitable fourth dimension and rewards-wise and will update this postal service once nosotros've sorted information technology out.

As mentioned, lessons are made upwardly of a variety of dissimilar activities. Here are a few yous might encounter and how they affect your business firm points, growth and feel levels.

  • Demo (energy activity) - a demo starts with a quick demonstration from the teacher and so will require you to do some energy spending activities till y'all go to one star. Getting to 1 star takes about ix-10 energy depending on the Chapter you are in. At the finish of the demo you'll be rewarded some attribute points depending on the form type. Charms Classes = Empathy Points, Potions = Knowledge Points, Flying = Courage Points.
  • Focus or Perform - another type of action yous'll consummate is classes is a Focus, Question or Perform activity. With Focus y'all take to time your tap to get a moving circle inside of a specific space. With Perform you lot are tracing the shape of a spell or mixing up a potion.Y'all desire to do the best you can on these activities equally you'll earn larger attribute rewards when yous succeed (25 for success, five for fail).
  • Question - With question you volition either exist answering your professor or a classmate. If you answer it successfully you'll get extra empathy, courage or cognition points depending on the course blazon. Sometimes the question will exist something y'all've learned in course. Other times information technology volition exist Hogwarts trivia. If you need some assist answering a question in the game, yous can check out the list of questions we've compiled so far, here.
  • Practise (energy action) - yous'll usually have some kind of do session thrown in which will likewise require energy to complete so plan accordingly.
  • House Points - At the end of some classes the reward will be house points instead of coins or attribute points. If the reward is house points, you'll see it noted at the end screen forth with a push to view the House Cup Leaderboard.


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Learning new skills in Flying Lesson will earn you increased energy max. Jam Urban center

Lessons are the final component of a Affiliate and these work similarly to classes except at the stop you learn a new Charm, Potion or Flying Skill. Each new thing yous earn in a lesson will earn you different types of rewards. In some cases, it is diamonds, other times higher energy max, still others give y'all special moves you'll use in duels. Yous can go along rail of which lesson you've completed and the rewards y'all'll obtain for a hereafter lesson by tapping on the Book icon at the bottom right-hand corner of your game screen.

  • Lessons vs. Classes - because they involve similar activites, it can sometimes be easy to misfile lessons and classes. Lessons, however, practise have some important differences from classes that players should exist enlightened of. One such difference is that they crave you to get ALL the available stars in club to pass them. Lessons are usually 3-60 minutes events and so you won't complete them in one sitting. As a result you demand to be sure to look to offset lessons till you accept several hours together in which to play as it'll take you a couple of rounds of full energy to complete if y'all are a free-to-play user. In the Nox Lesson, for example, it took 27 free energy to get the first 3 stars.